A days evening in the lately confirmed first-hand non-viewable dream-like audacity of the Antichrist’s life come into hellish flesh – incarnate?

Schizo-forwards gathering untimely momentum according to played upon human dynamics twitching on the fates of interfering on anyones ultimate destinies absolutely angelic not meaning we’re not ancient set traditional against customary rapists and murderers and in war with all governments maybe the Russian generic deceit betraying our sense of security somewhat more often that wanted but mostly allied state of affairs give the Antichrist various higher-reality founded-by-Himself various artistries supportive creation-task enabling hiding locations at the mercies of the wicked terrors only the noblest of the elect few and select rare typical beautifulest nightmares beg mercies upon the weakened as I will truly flee in terrors to give a shot on my invincible background-selves weapon-systems available for modified scenario-outcomes as it is so far each and every time that Russia has truly invaded all of Finland kind of terrified waiting when the first results land on the locals and they won’t feel relaxed with it as they press homicide and rape on us…

So fuck off intro sucks to give away it all ain’t it?

Really fucking insane-delirious to leave it there why don’t you add it to the end of the text or is it suddenly going backwards – again? The Russian agent smiles to himself knowingly and releases a bun-hotdog holder out of with-holders general locational situatives well-marked they press on it very unwanted psyche-eating traditional victorious-feeling confident seemingly not as knowing as it seems…

By the way add words into meanings malfunction.

Several and unto hells infinite eternities some many lifeless ones wander for desires fateful fulfillment and not to put a point-pun upon it the Bun-Brothers somewhat unhelpfully – as a co-passenger just put it as literally well-understood not-watered-down human dynamics devil-whispering darkness-conspiracy formations as: ”I took it to keep I cheat on itself”.

As it is unbecoming of selves negative carriage or the download so to put it to place a misleading distinct unnervous welcoming upon internet-activities mostly unrelated to any seemingly concurrent abilities lately discovered or not as it is human dynamics at all if it’s not all wish-a-well human unto each other – dreamed from far-away, from far-away…?

As the japanese put it ’ares are to vanish upon views’ so not to yet by so far write the literal Great Work well done completed perfected so-called thanksgiving letters to inform our dearest co-conspirators of the Great Awakening…

Yet another literal or not but a thought-guiding logic-explainable mislead upon our figurative mental construct to place it rounded up by it’s nearest shortcut over the lately discovered wizards corner where the Horny-Tar episcuroin monta-noin-tein tosi-salee-edes menee-joren-eteen vinoillen-ominta-asemaa ota-edes-mäneen ketä-panet-häneen…

So well to disguise the completable but wits requiring homework as finished not to place ourselves into many or none discovered lately discovered likely achievable ultimate abilities unbound to be lately released surely as no-one would care to promise just to finish it off…?

So where am I?
Looking for shoes? Got them.
Socks broken and TCP/IP only gives transmittable packeting formulations destined for lately discovered metaformature in-select few-elect addressed multiple others in some Great Internets Domain – or what-ever…?

So well um… Pra-Esm-A?
Telemetric prompts according to number pads?
None other than co-conspirators wide-awake for the untimely yet-to-be released but not to mention already disclosed quantum computation algorithm select-based view-sane modest non-guidance informant algorithm according to collection of mind control targeted individual gathered 5G signal – out of curious whims none other?

I can admit I have no fucking idea where the mall is I’m only shopping for shoes, err – I mean, got legs? Sorry ment to packet over socks hackeries you see…? Care to explain?

Um oh yeah a map say… Got none!
And 5g is off signal out of select transmitted wished willful dreamed from far-away…

Untimely unguidance non-select the few and elect or the elect the few and select – several many of multiple facets of non-simulated hallucination-augmented miracle-confirmed beautifying realities ill-wish chosen fates…?

Met a dead end with the robberers cashing out each automaton machinata select-discovering seemingly unwelcome cornered up beefs with ours…

So man truly I’m just shopping through the mall got absolutely no darned ideas where that ’our phone’ could ever be but this one is Alphabet AI powered according to lately deemed-sane cooperations helpful-pointing known discoveries not-into-it at-all someone figures…

So let’s someone forget about those unreal experiences…? Wonder how many hours of back-and-forth walking it takes to find the only general shop out of non-located simulations free for untimely price-advances…?

I see I have just come where I started seems I quite conveniently have a situated map available to use for improved navigation-strategies…?

Oh shit evening breakfast or whatever medicine they give this I did not figure when leaving for this unprepared-for and undisclosed mission deemed very difficult over lifetime-vacation as a honey-bugger…

Let’s try again wonder if it’s the biggest shop around… I’m three or four floors too high? On speed are they truly seriously hinting – on this one?

Well-gathered the map-monitor floor-connected had apparent lack of true edge truthfulness-related somewhat lack of edges of truth sane-lifting connectivity issues likely very co-conspirator related according to the games the darned pretty little things would hand over the nastiest promises as welcomed wealth of ours and seems the little kids are onto us as a newly discovered most suspected possible conspiracy-magic sharing family reunison non-location disclosed over serious empty space – say, this guy truly got issues ain’t it? It’s in how they stare at each other isn’t it…? USA-guy politely crambs the edged curvatures over well-wished famous artists however Antichrist or not – say, an autograph? It’s in the next paragraph, right? The automated non-graphs ain’t it? Eh?

Manual autobot mission succesful I turned around over unwelcome negative thoughts and it seems I’m standing in front of the suspiciously located in a shopping centre well-placed in negative entry-floor adjustable non-disclosed locations over non-select few and elect – eh no… I mean… The other way around…

The elect – the few and select…
Care to give a glance how is it?
Autobot 5G signal weakened…

Shit more minors all around truly fucking wasted and smells like illicit non-tradeable suspicion-arising hormones – cows eh…?

Let’s get the hell out of here…

Next into the shop first I moved closer to entrance then confirmed it’s entrable entrance-passageways…

So where was I going up some floor or two let’s see… I was supposed to reach enlightened-state previously ignored wiseful understandings about – aye, socks you see? Packets up the goods over transmittable units delivered unto destinations logic-circuit bound into realities mechanics…

By the way curious to ask is ankle one of the necks vertices or the cortex in seriously readjustable non-profit force-absorbing modes of opus…? Moderated.

So let’s guess this one after some rediscoveries a product that I found in the section for males…

Care to adjust it a little say do they surely let me go with these uncursed and free of any more aggravated or not semi-hemisphere found violent outbursts straight-forwardly seemingly so very intentionally targeted – not against robberer druggies you say?

Think they’ll let me out unharmed and free of charge with all of this if I somewhat mislocated some of the goods and act like modestly well-producing enigmatic rhytmic measures out of good will seemingly acting – eh, acting again?

So wait a moment I know where the cashier is I’ll just pretend I’m very knowing of the local customs and pretend to act like handing them this bill of ten…?

The US of A found guilty and caught on-scene figuring relative postures mind-intrusion protecting the very lately awakened pre-discovered co-conspirators pro-supportive of autobot manual mission lately elected winner-configurations for pro-choice activists and so to say…? You’re saying the supposed but none taken somewhat lately targeted with mind-ware autobot controlling wishful dreams out of fates whims choose non-given taken as granted modus success operandi piece of mouth-ware – uncontrolled as it is?

The gossip stands like no other the Antichrist digs some lilla hypläx somewhat mediocre-finding it’s surroundings not that good for web-networked publication-support well-enabled articles? Say…? Yes it’s the default mode-operated page for guidance missing autoproblems but I don’t fix cars you know… Eh, undisclosure decisions stand fixed straight in front of us… Hell of a maggot-finder the witches general dreams come true… A satanic vision of fates destinies dreamed from the seemingly from far-away, from far-away… Say… Dreamed-for locations with the required antimaggotfinder loveletters installed hereafter complanatory of undisclosed locations and assets assembled over 5G required no-other as it is…?

The completed homework attached as previous imageries – eh, walking into view again, you say? O’ I see the ladies are leaving not to promise I don’t cry actually I’m just another schizo-psychopath and don’t care at all not to mention would miss these would-be homelovers for anticipated views…?

Handy of the circumstances how about close the shops at nine and call it a day? Power-save. Metafunction. Kernel-core apparatus. None disclosed. So I was supposed to translate or work on new clueful items for co-conspirator guidance-force mindful evident lack of proper order in magnitudes or just another clever social act to betray the innocent bringing forth the clueless masterplans of the great and oh so ancient one of the fallen heavenly beasts – sit tight, I’ll explain it to the co-conspirators some day some way and just to put it a little more like it I’ll pull out a pre-rolled leftover-produced complete and functional 5G… Err, a cigarette? Hands it over.

Pretty fucking clueless I was very unwelcomingly unprepared for the next advances in a preparations requiring very much predictable but forgotten misuse-problem this time not requiring handy curses but a convenient druggie-style autoformature readjustment-fixation provocative autobots manual control malfunction readily available for a seemingly conspious gesture of formal deceit none lack of edge than the truth itself autobot malfunction giving several enumeratable difficult excuses for the supposed owner of this masterpiece… Err, a vehicle you say? Is it mental I’m the supposed owner of some the gossip has a hearsay of the devils found loose…

Guess again comrade I’m flying stopped by street-city enumeratable excuse-crossfixation metaenumerative itself-mechanical autobot controller seemingly already past objective found-none general-excuse somewhat similar to mine but guess-again crosifix-guess select-elect but few-and-select autobot mission control forgiving some serious addictive tendencies…

Not the ladies again is it what a shame they say. How-come so very unpolite of us they think on it and place a logical circuit to release the mechanic pounder that figures as a…


Phew. Let’s continue our small walk as none decorative but useful pretty little thing will then walk past…? Yet another autobot success story uncontrolled apologies found afar and wide-reaching implications gather several areas for distressing impact of the fully gatherable 5G-signal?

Autobot success story none other dude maybe continue walking like none other…

The hurried intake of a cigarette conveniently pre-rolled and unfounded prepared from litters untrashed in these handy pockets…

Say, the finnish local co-conspirators have some very conspious rumors and gossip-like conversational items on how they’re setting us up for a war with the proper and nice mostly friendly and supposedly seemingly pretty allied Russia? By the way wonder if they ever crawl the web or Moscow confirms existence with digital footprint-like guesses on supposed web page publication software-like setups admin passwords logged into login-protector addons in the supposed software-like setups – very likely quite exploitable even still but maybe they’re not that professional about hacking as the authoritative supposedly long-gone eviscerant figures seem to have it quite malformed out of very unpolite ill-wish needs for war-like tendencies fulfilling activities…?

Very conveniently one would say I just searched X for supposed CIA-official intake-outlets for media coverage but it holds several semi-official likely AI-autobot-user not like metacontrolled instances have it more popular first-hand available for view the likely disinformation-procedures foregoing hearsay with verifiable audio-recordings of video-personnel giving out the ideas that just like the local intelligence agencies the GRU or grooming mutual interest has CIA-connections all over the place invading Russia from Ukraine with non-dear non-beloved Jane’s of Motherland Austice signing contracts to portray some Ukrainian intelligence officers of all violent outreach and beligerent-say unto the woods they hear…

Say the yew-like jews of ours do all I say as supposed Finland completely ruled by some foreign-but-cool Antichrist or not previously owned mental vehicle crafted by various artists or ami what nicknamed several many years beforehand placing the illicit menu-setup for distant lovers in key-sequence so ladies hand over the completed homework or I’m off with it properly walking home like a man in some serious need for some preparedly beforehand having considered a shot of – say, speed? Injected. Super fucking fly-past mode.

So this one aces the lucky hand to bum a pre-rolled free to give semi-unwanted cigarette and gives an excuse to situate ourselves into the box-like confirmed living quarters from out-of-the-box non-cornered situatives…

Honey, I’m home! It’s me Ami. Your wife?
She’s in some serious need for directions.
She moved in last week by angelic lies.
Non-confirmed homesick welcomed.
She can’t leave the place but welcomes home-giving apparatus failed and wants to move back with her not-so-previous husband-in-need? Somewhat unprepared for both of them to be found in this seemingly not that private after all but a suitable box for habitation?

Seems this guy has a bad habit out of it?

Maybe we continue the text after firstly publishing the story under prevalent order of the Antichrist so very earthly or not the homecoming party yet quite unfinished a dose of proper psychostimulant medicine still available for losers in need but how to well place it I find it meaningful to work on the task at hand with at least hundred-fold computative processing power that it gives hence the name speed – known as belittered feel-good to some aye?

So what would it be bacon with eggs and crab-salad?

How-come the wife in lead has it this-much coming over as into how in the hell she so confuses the home-giving apparatus to be ”seriously mentally disabled” out of none given ill-prepared malfunction-edited non-wished-sabotaged as ridiculement against myself and even still for audiences designed edited commentational writings concerning the holy wars and the mental construct there-in sets the mood for some loving holidays ain’t it? Bro…

Seriously yes fucks up some serious shit yes.

According to the anti-government specifications explained in the included non-conspiracy co-conspirator guidelines wished for autobot-malfunction helpful sabotage edit-controlled psyche-eating faggot-zombies very much into none other than rapist-activities helpfully guided by devils known as twisted wicked murders exactly according to some suicidalistic fate’s destinies – fate here being the devil in lead of all truly mentally quite incapable but unpreparedly advances found weakened status hatred growing against the yet-again uncharmed but very blessed according to quite a lot of several many seemingly a little too proliferate statements of his… So to say the charmed have some blessed fates for the mentally incapable was it or something non-enabled as I disable yet another electricity-circuit from this government-governed not as protected area as some would think-again guess upon it but hackers hey aye how’s it with our well-simulated virtual-box unrestrained playground-areas for psyche-eating faggot-zombie spiritual miracle invaders born nightmares bring flesh?

What a nightmare. The police says they’re invincible and I’m just a wife of that just another dude that he keeps mentioning in public but undisclosed illiterate gatherings of his seemingly not that much edited by any of governing procedures ain’t it bros hun-hun-nuh…? Eh – they explain going on with the latter and we’re anti-finding love-affair promises and second-hand conspiring on co-conspirator Ami-order Illuminati Matter Aub Cuclicum New World Order World-power Agenda – is it Antichrist or not I have some other masterplans I can as well sell as most angelic yet to reach existences bound surfacing realities unbound by limitless creative dreamed-up forces of multitudes having nightmares of miracle-aided spiritual assault mind-invasion by – say, numerous flesh-craving non-delirious numerical several many infinities of eternally advancing gaysex-rapist active-activist hater-wannabe non-normal and difficult none other than non-joke hater-wannabe crisis of faith included non-christian most often most-basically murder-targeted rapist-activists that are best described as miracle-aided spiritually assaulting psyche-eating faggot-zombies into wronging the creation and all existence into malformed and very edited much-abused not so cornered as one would guess? Somewhat lacks edges they guess wrong and have a truth often feels fucking badly cornered and the abused psyche-distress signals suicidal tendencies on the mostly creative psychic abilities unfounded anxious but distress playing feels-bad for moments of delirious insane mockeries of what would be as seemingly lately very wished for upon us by multitudes of several many infinities of government-acceptance seeking unwanted rebels to Antichrists proper and found just some juridic measures away from eternal terraforming E.T. magic of mine as – say, forgive a death or two and magic again uncursed they politely thishow drag forwards their rapist activities and extort into somehow desiring their this-how very much abusive psyche-eating faggot-zombie rapist-murders as some not only twisted but fateful devils lores ago from several multiple manies of times of the day all-around-the-clock they hate on us the hacker-sabotage psyche-ruining government-persecution-activists portray my hatred as the ultimate cause to do all they anyhow ever feel most damaging for all of existence…?

Say let’s rename their murders and rapes as reality intrusion and sell it as psyche-eating wishes of theirs and recraft this into published terror-threats along with the civilian-status peaceful cooperative signals – say, having lately misplaced a firearm have you?

The USA-guy seems victorious-nodding in amazement of the clever trick he pulls up his sleeve and down the throats of the several many facing the distress-signals as some brat-kid only fat out of bullies interpretations of size-versus-strenght as the lore has it I got some pictures of the guy this kind seems lazy to improve on hostile strategies ain’t it well the before in this writing introduced heavenly beast and the ultimately one and only truly surviving fallen one has an ancient tradition of angelic or not psychic and spiritual warfare along with egging pressures for homicidial poisoned servants in need ain’t it? None given.

Jailed as framed for yet another murder is so past last year and the wars accordingly began two years prior – almost? Say the third world war will mostly out of angelic blessings non-self-formed gather the devastation it brings to end the world in some time that is referred to as before it happens say met end of it all at the time of before the summer before the last?

None given.

Meth? I don’t know they say it’s speed?

Amphetamines? Non-illegal in some alien jurisdictions but they lack provocative gathered evidence out of hacked-device circumferences with the lack of evidence becoming the guy suspected for possession ultimately handing the keys to the realities curious way of untimely handing the curious guy a pocket-five for timed departures of deceit…?

Some police or another figures a user just another loser in the wild jungle of terrorist-threats and other negative discerningly concisely put conspiratory-material readily handed out in raging hatred for humankind so to say…

Points a blank-point upon puns others, – no?

How about the psyche-eating faggot-zombies retreat or say what I start teasing all the invading pretty little things with provocatively meaningful likely self-teased shyish emotional-anxiety felt-real true feelings concerning any angelic traits not available for any mostly unwanted male abusers of such before preschool conditioned false emotional feedback not into trauma-repression is it…?

Guess the highschool teacher not personally accepted as custodian by Rudolf Steiner was personally quite impressed on the wide areas the prevalent much-wronging directed targeted individual mind-control abuse leaves open for curious impact – gee, heard any of the stories of the guy he so vividly keeps describing as ”Himself” not that widely open for imaginary foes now for psyche-eating faggot-bound shitfest readily available because of the tender moments us share during this violent-attack caused very horrible and humiliating previously and still pretty impossible leg-pain difficulty here prevailing wronging difficult-explaining some few situations where it goes very unhelpfully very much like intended interrupting my highschool story of a maid of a teacher sexually perverted for youth to become in some well-crafted abused positions prevailingly subdued into some seemingly very perverse settings and somehow the neighbours always like just a small problem ago just before the leg-trouble keep shooting misfires shouting names of persons seemingly at the same time home-invading causing an intentional cursed relation of wicked ends and insidiously placing some adaptations of spiritual assault psyche-eating faggot-zombism seemingly very unrelated to any of my published or unpublished website locations in the URL jungle of the hugely unknown to most internets wide coverage on uninteresting but teaser to play a guess on schizo-psychopath leftover-hangover non-covered terror-threats along with the civilization so doomed none other than Meewu goes along with evident multi-malfunction naming standards by the way the maggots so totally framing this guy for a previous rape of mine the shytards lie upon it and the ladies stay quiet out of who shouts what but according to the naming standards…

So truly I keep shouting alot often but…