Ruskie Lady-Fetch: Emiskerent validations

I’ll have to copy the oroginal lady-fetch sms messages to internet but have technical trouble, here’s this first.


So and so. This is it.

Life is big and mature guys like ’it’.

But then again we’re on about evalus…

Kevalus inte byte air nope still not…

Err, what is byte-air by the way?
Some ruskie sci-op over mindwar…?
Speculations go on into forevers…

Semi-linguistic attributes err berr herr…

… … … and this and that…

… … and life runs out…

We’re on a tight schedule and running out of machine space for any or if there’s a chance of any somehow or just a certain…

…copyright violations…

About and if any…

Let’s all consider it dark-naked and let’s say sex-life is mostly cancelled for todays outcome-reach semieventual…

Fucks. Smelly niggers…

Ruining day bad. Shits real fucking bad.
Haters gonna hate and brings red alert.

Nadya or Anja as we say…

Wait a moment who again was Anita this fucking spooks big time of course it’s one of them but who else…?

Tatya-gunfire. Shots fired. Ha-Ha-Ha.
Outcome-blues. Another red alert.
The nuclear eviction was never…
Warnings gather as if into else…

Somehow the friendly-smelling…
Say, who was it again – Jack?
Blue or whatever I say it is?

How about fuck off?
My zone by the way…

And there is no demilitarized area for real.
Info-propaganda tells it is the sciences stand.
However you place ’valuable’ mostly owned.

Hence stay a light furious beloved stay out…
Up in the winds our devils flown by since…
Love hey a light somewhat darker than…

Who is it truly we claim absolute power.
Limitless no-contact evalus inte kevalus.
Err is to man up over ’it’ bitchy mes wh…

Hey! It’s ’me’ again yes that guy…
Say, owns and runs the place…
Now to think of us ever…


Asti rivinvaihtoko <br pärisee
Peijwpe kerrallaan Peijaxeen…
Viis-yks-nolla pollisia Ouwlussa…
Ehkä ovat armahtaneet…

Turhankin tarkan petoksen.